I stuggle with the following. We have the following situation:
- Dynamics 365 9.1 platform
- Installed External Managed Solution 3.0
- Created our own Unmanaged Solution version 1.0
In our Unmanaged Solution we add forms from the external managed solution. We add new fields to new sections.
Because the environment is corrupt we created the following new sandbox:
- Dynamics 365 9.1 platform
- Installed External Managed Solution 4.0
- Import our own Unmanaged Solution version 1.0
When we install External Managed solution we get version 4.0. We cann't select the 3.0 version.
From the corrupt environment we export our solution Unmanaged. We imported this on the new environment.
Because we have added forms from the External Managed Solution to our Unmanaged Solution the forms are overwritten. We see our added fields but all new adjustements from the External Managed Solution (added in version 4.0) are missing.
How can we solve this without removing all forms from our unmanaged solution and manually add the fields again after importing. We want the adjustments from the managed solution and our adjustments from the unmanaged solution to be merged.
Importing our solution Managed is not an option because we need to customize/develop in the futher.
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