I am running GP 2013 on Terminal Server (Windows Server 2012 Standard) with local drives mapped. From GP when my users try to print to file and save it to a local drive the drives display but the user is unable to expand the local drives to select a proper directory to save the file in. You are unable to double click on any local drive to expand the directory. The obvious chose was to just select a local drive and save it to the route but that does not work either. GP throws an error saying it is unable to save the file to the designated drive. They are able to print to a file on a Terminal Server drive but considering they are running a RemoteApp (published app) they are unable to access the Terminal Server drives to copy to a local drive. I launched GP directly from the Terminal Server desktop instead of using a RemoteApp thinking it may be an issue with running GP as a RemoteApp but the problem still exists. From file explore on the Terminal Server I am able to access all my local drives just fine so it appears to be a specific issue with GP.
I searched as best I could to find someone running into this issue but could not find anything. Any suggestions you may have are greatly appreciated. My users really need the ability to print to file (pdf) and save to local drive.
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