I want to create a record in connections entity using portal webapi. I have setup all the necessary permissions , site settings but just not sure how I can pass an entityrefrence in the post. In the plugin my code is :
Entity connection = new Entity(); connection.LogicalName = "connection"; connection.Attributes.Add("record1id", new EntityReference("Contact", "contact_guid_here")); connection.Attributes.Add("record2id", new EntityReference("Opportunity", "opportnity_guid_here")); // to fill both the connection role lookups, uncomment the below line //connection.Attributes.Add("record2roleid", new EntityReference("connectionrole", new Guid(connRoleId))); connection.Attributes.Add("record1roleid", new EntityReference("connectionrole", new Guid("connectioRole_guid_here"))); service.Create(connection);
In portal I am trying to do something like this but keeps getting 500 error.
function createcontact(){ var dataObject={ "record1id":"18060257-90d2-ec11-a7b6-00224894367a", "record2id":"68500f21-3318-4412-8931-70259e7f8462" }; webapi.safeAjax({ type: "POST", url: "/_api/connections", contentType:"application/json", data: JSON.stringify(dataObject), success: function(res, status, xhr) { //print id of newly created entity record console.log("entityID: " xhr.getResponseHeader("entityid")) } }); }