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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

GP 2013R2 crashes randomly for the past few weeks due to KERNELBASE.DLL fault

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Posted on by 28,058 Moderator


This is a rather strange case which I could find many reports in the community, but no solutions posted so far.. It started with some users reporting it last week and I could trace back the occurence as far as April 24th on our RDP server (W2012 RDS published apps, no full desktop access) and also one local GP client user on Win7 that reported it

I couldn't find any commonality as for what could lead to the crash, as it happens randomly and no one really could tell me if it was happening only after doing certain actions in GP. I even had users reporting GP crashing while they had left their computer and when came back, the dreadfull pop-up was on the screen (App Crash for Dynamics.exe from Windows).

In the Event Log I could find this, which repeats itself many times during the day, as we serve about 10-12 GP users on a permanent basis from that RDS server :

Faulting application name: Dynamics.exe, version: 12.0.323.0, time stamp: 0x5564de96
Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 6.2.9200.22141, time stamp: 0x58f11bee
Exception code: 0x4000001f
Fault offset: 0x0008a424
Faulting process id: 0xf18
Faulting application start time: 0x01d3eb8baec0c178
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\GP2013\Dynamics.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
Report Id: 4626fcad-5781-11e8-9460-0050568d46d5
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:

One forum reply suggested to delete the user profile from the server, which I tried and it didn't took an hour before it happened again..

There had been no updates (windows or Office) applied on the server for months, so it wasn't something we could roll-back, and in fact we ran a scheduled Windows Update last week-end in the hope the some 30 packages (many offices) would cure the problem, but alas, no hope.

Based on an old blog post from Microsoft for a similar issue with GP 2010, I tried to capture a memory dump from the crashing Dynamics.exe process and it generated a 700mb large .dmp file, but I have no clue on how to analyze the file.. So I can 't really get more details what's causing KERNALBASE.DLL to tear down the GP process.

Any help would be really appreciate, as users starts to get frustrated (some clients crash several times in the day)..

*This post is locked for comments

  • Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,058 Moderator on at
    RE: GP 2013R2 crashes randomly for the past few weeks due to KERNELBASE.DLL fault

    Hi Heather,

    Sorry for the late reply, I'm busy at the moment readying for new (ad)ventures...

    I wish I had a better response for you, but this looks like one of those ghost cases where you can't pinpoint any clear offender... I'm fighting right now a similar problem to yours with interrupted posting batches in payables that leave the stuff halfway open or closed.. It fails due to duplicate keys at insert time on the DEX_ROW_ID which is rather unusual.

  • Heather Roggeveen Profile Picture
    Heather Roggeveen 9,144 on at
    RE: GP 2013R2 crashes randomly for the past few weeks due to KERNELBASE.DLL fault

    Hi Beat

    I was looking to you to be my knight in shining armour on this one!  I am still having the issue.

    In my case, we are getting two consistent issues inside GP as a result:

    1. CBPAY batches are stopping at the purchasing series and not posting all the way through.  The transaction is applied and the apply record is in history, so if you try to manually post, it then says the apply amount is incorrect.  To fix, we have to zero the applied amount in PM10400, post the batch and then update the apply records in PM30300.

    2. User is getting locked out of a company with GLBatchCleanUp issues - usually something stuck in posting.

    This is only impacting one user in a shared terminal server environment - full desktop access.



  • RE: GP 2013R2 crashes randomly for the past few weeks due to KERNELBASE.DLL fault

    Thanks for the update.

    While I'm happy to hear the issue is resolved, it is frustrating to put all that troubleshooting into it without finding out what the resolution was.....

    Hopefully it won't return.

    Have a great day.

  • Verified answer
    Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,058 Moderator on at
    RE: GP 2013R2 crashes randomly for the past few weeks due to KERNELBASE.DLL fault

    As unfortunate as it sounds and as sorry as I might be, I have to report here that the solution to the problem was not within all the suggested ones here.. and that the problem went away the same way it started.. without any hint of the source or origin.

    It had started on April 24th and stopped on May 25th without revealing the cause, and this identically on the RDS / TS server as on the local GP clients installed on various workstations.

    My feeling and guts are that this was related to something external to GP, and it could well be linked to the infamous 'Connect' pane in GP that in the recent weeks/months had nothing better to show than 'Page unavailable' or 'Navigation cancelled'... suspecting that some corrupted HTML code could be the cause of the GP crashes..

    Nothing had changed in the system itself (Windows server or Windows 7 clients), nor were there any network configuration changes.

    I consider this thread as closed. Sorry I cannot provide better insights.

    Thanks all for your suggestions and we cross the fingers that it wont happen again.

    @Heater Roggeveen,

    Where you able to find anything on your customer side ?

    PS: Me too I had to fix several interrupted postings & batches, and fix corrupted data due to the crashes.. not funny and I'm glad it's over.

  • Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,058 Moderator on at
    RE: GP 2013R2 crashes randomly for the past few weeks due to KERNELBASE.DLL fault

    Hi Mick,

    In my previous replies I already mentioned that I've played with the DEP too.. without any success.

    Since Friday noon, no one has reported a single crash, nor on the RDS server, nor on a local workstation.. Can we believe the problem is just gone away as it had come ?

    I don't know, but this is very frustrating, the least to say.

    My last attempt was to delete the user account in GP for that one user that reported the biggest problems, but maybe it's just a coincidence, since other user have had no crash either since Friday noon.

    The day before I had tried to rebuild the REPORTS.DIC from scratch on this user's workstation, but just Friday AM, GP crashed 6 times.

  • Mick Egan Profile Picture
    Mick Egan 3,561 on at
    RE: GP 2013R2 crashes randomly for the past few weeks due to KERNELBASE.DLL fault


    Try the following:

    Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\System >> Advanced System Settings >> Advanced >> Performance >> Settings >> Data Execution Prevention.

    If the "Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only" is selected, then ignore as problem is elsewhere.

    If "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select", there are 2options, 1: Add Dynamics.exe as an exception, or 2: select the first option "Windows programs and services only", re-boot the computer after either change.

    Took a long time to find this one.


  • Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,058 Moderator on at
    RE: GP 2013R2 crashes randomly for the past few weeks due to KERNELBASE.DLL fault

    Hi Derek,

    Yes, when I did the full GP client install, it was with all the 3rd party modules.. because this is an AP/AR user and needs the full set of our Mekorma MICR tools.. But I could give it try to remove any 3rd-party products..

    As for the customization's, there are tons of reports that where modified (and on purpose) over the years, and not putting them basically renders the GP useless for us.. Not really an option.  But as I said, I've already rebuilt the REPORTS.DIC & the client keeps crashing anyway. Going to try the FORMS.DIC next and also re-create the GP user..

  • RE: GP 2013R2 crashes randomly for the past few weeks due to KERNELBASE.DLL fault

    When you installed Dynamics GP directly on the Win7 workstation, which had never had GP installed on it, did you add any 3rd party products or customizations to it?

    If so, I would've recommended installing a 'clean' install without any 3rd party products or customizations to see if you can re-create the issue of GP crashing. If so, then you would know it isn't anything to do with those products or customizations, but if it didn't crash, then you'd need to add those back one-by-one until the crash occurs again.

    You actually don't even need the forms or reports dictionary files as Dynamics GP will work without them, though you may get 'unable to find dictionary' messages if the user attempts to pull a modified form or report.

    Another test would be to move any forms/reports dictionary files local, to rule those out. One of the risks if these dictionary files are on a shared directory, is that they can frequently become corrupted if more than one user access the dictionary files/reports at the same time or make changes while someone is in the dictionary.

    I do agree that it'd be useful to try and determine whether the issue is user-specific or not, as you mentioned that once you moved this user off the TS, you haven't had a crash as of yet.


  • Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,058 Moderator on at
    RE: GP 2013R2 crashes randomly for the past few weeks due to KERNELBASE.DLL fault

    Update on the situation..

    Today the 1st thing in the morning I did was installing a local GP client for that user that had crashed 10 times yesterday on the TS server.. since nothing seemed to help in any ways.

    Less than an hour into working with the brand new GP client (never had before any local instance before) on this Win7 system, GP crashed.

    I tried different things again, all of the above mentioned, but the rebuild of the dictionaries for the customized reports & forms.. We have a lot of modules installed and many customized objects in GP (over 100), so it's going to be a lengthy process to identify which one might be corrupted.

    After the 6th crash this morning, I started to rebuild the REPORTS.DIC..  I'm curious how long it's going to last until next crash..

    It might seem a strange coincidence, but since I had moved that user from the TS server to a local client, I didn't had a single crash on the TS side for today..  So the next thing I'm going to try is to delete that user's GP account and re-create it.

  • Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,058 Moderator on at
    RE: GP 2013R2 crashes randomly for the past few weeks due to KERNELBASE.DLL fault


    Another few days went by and I had enabled DEP and added DYNAMICS.EXE to the exclusion list, but yesterday another crash occured on the server.. there was only one because our main office was closed for a holiday, so I'm going to watch it for another day, but it's unlikely a (re)solution to our problem.. my next step will be to run a repair on the GP client. 

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