we currently have a page which loads data into the temporary record every time page is opened (this is required since data dynamically changes all the time and we can't keep everything permanently in actual DB table).
Our client requested from us to open this page as API endpoint, which we did through "Web Services" BC page. Issue is now that API response is slow since data is loaded into the temp. record every time API call is made. We can send the OData query filters, but they are only applied AFTER data is loaded into the temp. record.
Is there any way we can fetch those filters on page in code as soon as request arrives? We would like to get those filters and then set the filters on our own before loading of the data into the temp. table stars.
For example, let's say we have next URL with filters:
-'SomeCompany')/OpenQuantitiesOverview?$filter=Location_Code eq '61-ZAGREB'
Can we fetch the value '61-ZAGREB' directly on the page?
Thank you.