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Dynamics CRM: Display a message to the User when they assign a case

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Hi Guys

I want to display a message/prompt to the users when they assign a case in Dynamics CRM - as even after training has been completed, we still get instances where users assign a Case to an individual, as opposed to a Team Queue when they click on the 'Assign' button in the case ribbon as per the below:


Can anyone suggest the easiest way to do this please - something displayed like 'Please ensure you assign the case to a Queue and not a User' when they click on 'Assign'.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • MikeExeter Profile Picture
    MikeExeter 54 on at
    RE: Dynamics CRM: Display a message to the User when they assign a case

    Hi Xavier

    Many thanks for you help - that is absolutely great!

    Kind regards


  • Verified answer
    XM-22040801-0 Profile Picture
    XM-22040801-0 11 on at
    RE: Dynamics CRM: Display a message to the User when they assign a case

    Real-time workflow are executed inside a transaction that will not be applied in the database if an error occurs.

    The step "Stop workflow with status Canceled" will rollback modification = No changes.

  • MikeExeter Profile Picture
    MikeExeter 54 on at
    RE: Dynamics CRM: Display a message to the User when they assign a case

    Hi Xavier

    But isn't what you have described happening once the assign has already happened? The damage will have already been done then?

    Apologies if my understanding is incorrect.



  • Suggested answer
    XM-22040801-0 Profile Picture
    XM-22040801-0 11 on at
    RE: Dynamics CRM: Display a message to the User when they assign a case

    In the following explanation, I assume that you want to assign a case to a team with a default queue. Adapt it if necessary.

    Create a real-time workflow:


    Add condition and stop workflow steps like that:


    In the Stop workflow with "Canceled" state, you can add a custom text.

    Active the workflow.

    Test by assigning an user:


  • MikeExeter Profile Picture
    MikeExeter 54 on at
    RE: Dynamics CRM: Display a message to the User when they assign a case

    Hi Xavier

    Thanks for this. Juts to clarify - we DO NOT want the owner to be User, we only want them to assign to a Team Queue. Please could you expand\explain in more detail the Real Time workflow option?



  • Suggested answer
    XM-22040801-0 Profile Picture
    XM-22040801-0 11 on at
    RE: Dynamics CRM: Display a message to the User when they assign a case


    You can do it in different ways.

    1. The simplest way without development: Display an error message if the owner is not a team.

    Create a real time workflow that triggers when the owner is modified, checks for the presence of a user, using a condition that checks "User owner (Owner) => Modified on" contains data. If the condition is true, stop the workflow with an error message.

    2. You can do the same thing as a plugin.

    3. Customize the button with javascript to propose only the list of teams.

    Customize the Assign button with RubbanWorkbench. Trigger a javascript function that will call Xrm.lookupObjects to get only one team. Assign the user with Xrm.WebApi and refresh the data of the page with

    If you want me to detail solution 2 and 3, let me know.

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