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Is the Find Geo Address functionality only available for Leads?

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Hello. I've been reviewing the Telco Accelerator documentation, and it appears that the Find Geo Address functionality is currently only available for Lead records. Would it be possible for a Citizen Developer to extend this functionality to Accounts and Contacts in the Find Geo Address canvas app, or would advanced coding be needed to achieve that?   

  • ErikaColson Profile Picture
    ErikaColson 20 on at
    RE: Is the Find Geo Address functionality only available for Leads?

    Thanks for the prompt reply. I will pass this information on to my dev team.  

  • Verified answer
    RE: Is the Find Geo Address functionality only available for Leads?

    HI Erika, 

    Thanks for your question. As you can see there are 2 canvas apps that are part of the Telco Accelerator: the "Find Geo Address" canvas app and the "Lead Serviceability Check" canvas app. In the current V1 release, we placed the "Find Geo Address" canvas app on the "Find Address" tab in the "Place Management" model-driven app linked to Geographic Address entity.  We placed the "Lead Serviceability Check" canvas app on the "Serviceability" tab in the "Telco Sales" model driven app off the Leads entity which you pointed out in your question. 

    You can certainly embed the canvas apps onto any form or tab that you like. but you will need to make code changes to get it to work. If you want to place the "Find Geo Address" canvas app into Accounts or Contacts or another entity, you can do so, but you will need to change the canvas app code to work with an entity other than Geographic Address which it is currently only coded to work for and parse properly using the specific address attributes as parameters. If you want to take a look at the "Lead Serviceability Check" canvas app, the first part of that app performs a similar address search and lookup using the passed attributes of the Leads entity, so that's probably your best guide for extending the canvas app into Accounts, Contacts, or other Sales entities. 

    Hope that helps.


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