RE: Changing from a Fiscal Year to a Calendar Year
Just to 'poke' my nose into this conversation - and generally great deal of fun - one of the challenges is if you have already created the new year 2016 - starting Sept 1, 2015 ending Aug 31, 2016, you will have to change that one first.
In the Fiscal Period Setup - select 2016 and change that first - change the start and end date to be Jan 1, 2016 and Dec 31, 2016.
Then you can go back and make the change to the current 2015 year.
I think this is problably one of the easier Year End changes to make. I like 'extending' a current period rather than 'chopping off' an already running year.
By the way, great advice from Harry on the IRS - had not even considered that side - well done.
By the way, Harry / Beat I sometimes believe you are actually one in the same - you both come to an answer in slightly different ways, but always get to a great solution.
Linda, you have a ton of good advice here, hope this all helps