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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Payroll Deductions and TSA Tax Shelter

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

I'm trying to fix an employee deduction card. The tax shelter status is not set to true and should be. When you try to change it, you get "Activity exists fro this code. The tax status cannot be changed." 

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  • Tracee Profile Picture
    Tracee 5 on at
    RE: Payroll Deductions and TSA Tax Shelter

    I know this is an old post but I'm trying to find some help on this same issue.  From what I've seen, manual adjustments are required even after making the changes to the table.  What manual adjustments did you have to make after making these changes, if you had any?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Payroll Deductions and TSA Tax Shelter

    Perfect!!   That is exactly what I needed.  


  • Verified answer
    Jeff Rowles Profile Picture
    Jeff Rowles 500 on at
    RE: Payroll Deductions and TSA Tax Shelter

    Hi Barry,

    Three points in response if I may:

    1. As long as the State and Local fields are already unchecked (marked as zero) then, no need to include them in your script...but just want to confirm
    2. You bring up a field name point I should have mentioned.  In versions up through GP2010, both parts of FICA (social security & medicare) were combined into one field "SHFRFICA."  However, starting in GP2013 version, another field was added "SHFRFICAMED" to represent the Medicare portion ("SHFRFICA" field remains, but now only represents Social Security portion).
    3. If you want to include both 'MED' and 'DEN' codes in script  the last part of your "where" clause needs to use "IN" function instead of "="

    So if you are in GP2013 or later, it would be this:

    update UPR00500 
    where EMPLOYID='ACKE0001' and DEDUCTON IN ('MED', 'DEN')

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Payroll Deductions and TSA Tax Shelter

    so, lets say that I have two deductions (MED and DEN) that I want exempt from Fed tax, FICA soc sec and FICA med. Is this how my script should look?


  • Verified answer
    Jeff Rowles Profile Picture
    Jeff Rowles 500 on at
    RE: Payroll Deductions and TSA Tax Shelter

    Here's script to take care of that for you...please note that you need to ensure there's a 1 for each field that you want marked as TSA, and 0 if you don't want it marked:

    update UPR00500 
    set TXSHANTY=1,  --this is overall marking for TSA if checkmarks should exist for any 
    --taxes so leave it as 1 SFRFEDTX=1, --Fed tax SHFRFICA=1, -- FICA (soc sec & medicare) SHFRSTTX=1, --State tax SFRLCLTX=1 --Local Tax where EMPLOYID='ACKE0001' --<< Change this to be your desired employee ID and DEDUCTON='MED' --<< Change this to be equal to your desired deduction code

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