I'm trying to create a report using the SEE30303 table, but I've noticed that records seem to be duplicated in it, and I'm wondering why that would be.
For example, for one particular item/site combination, I have several inventory transfer transactions. If I sort them by the docnumbr field, I can see that some appear more than once. Looking further, I notice that some with the same docnumbr also have the same lnseqnbr field. If I eliminate all the ones with the duplicated lnseqnbr field (leaving only one per docnumbr), the transactions agree with what shows up on the Historical Stock Status Report Writer report for the same item/site.
Anyone know why they would be duplicated? Can I safely eliminate the duplicated docnumbr/lnseqnbr combinations if I want a list of the actual transactions for a particular item/site combination?
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