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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Duplicate records in SEE30303?

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I'm trying to create a report using the SEE30303 table, but I've noticed that records seem to be duplicated in it, and I'm wondering why that would be.

For example, for one particular item/site combination, I have several inventory transfer transactions. If I sort them by the docnumbr field, I can see that some appear more than once. Looking further, I notice that some with the same docnumbr also have the same lnseqnbr field. If I eliminate all the ones with the duplicated lnseqnbr field (leaving only one per docnumbr), the transactions agree with what shows up on the Historical Stock Status Report Writer report for the same item/site.

Anyone know why they would be duplicated? Can I safely eliminate the duplicated docnumbr/lnseqnbr combinations if I want a list of the actual transactions for a particular item/site combination?

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  • GMA Profile Picture
    GMA 1,074 on at
    RE: Duplicate records in SEE30303?

    I wish this thread had not died. Did you ever get a resolution?

  • RE: Duplicate records in SEE30303?

    Records where the quantities are different, but the costs are the same: 1

    Records where the quantities are the same, but the costs are different: 689

    Records where the quantities are different and the costs are different: 182

  • Mahmoud Saadi Profile Picture
    Mahmoud Saadi 32,738 on at
    RE: Duplicate records in SEE30303?

    You just mentioned that the script retrieved a total of 872  records with a cost variance , right ?

    Regardless of the cost variance, do you have a quantity variance ?

    Your feedback is highly appreciated,

  • RE: Duplicate records in SEE30303?

    Looking at one item/site in particular:

    There are 4 entries in the SEE30303 table for the same item/site/document number. The document number references a single-line inventory transfer entry made on 6/1/2015 for 17 units out of the site.

    The four entries have different values in some of the columns, as shown below:

    RCTSEQNM PCHSRCTY TRXQTYInBase TRXQTY UNITCOST EXTDCOST IsOverrideReceipt IsOverrideRelieved OverrideRelievedDate
    2502 3 -3 -17 30.45 -91.35 0 0 1900-01-01
    2504 3 -6 -17 30.45 -182.70 0 0 1900-01-01
    2506 3 -4 -17 30.45 -121.80 0 0 1900-01-01
    2509 4 -4 17 30.45 -121.80 1 1 2015-06-12
  • RE: Duplicate records in SEE30303?

    The above script returned 872 items that have a cost difference. There are a total of 7,208 unique item numbers in our IV10200 table & 7,215 items in our SEE30303 table.

  • Suggested answer
    Mahmoud Saadi Profile Picture
    Mahmoud Saadi 32,738 on at
    RE: Duplicate records in SEE30303?

    Hello there,

    Initially, it is important to reconcile the historical inventory trial balance (HITB) versus purchase receipts (IV10200). Consider the following script which will provide an overall summary values for the quantity and amounts in both tables, let us know if it retrieves any results and we will proceed accordingly

    Creation Date: 16, October, 2013
    Created by: Mahmoud M. AlSaadi
    The main purpose of the script is reconcile inventory purchase receipts (IV10200) versus 
    historical inventory trial balance (SEE30303)
    Revision History:
    Revision No.            RevisionDate    Description
    1                       16/10/2013      Original Version
    --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            X.HITB_Quantity_Available ,
            X.HITB_Cost ,
            Y.IV_Quantity_Available ,
            Y.IV_EX_Cost ,
            X.HITB_Cost - Y.IV_EX_Cost AS Cost_Variance
    FROM    ( SELECT    [ITEMNMBR] ,
                        SUM([TRXQTYInBase]) HITB_Quantity_Available ,
                        SUM([EXTDCOST]) HITB_Cost
              FROM      [SEE30303]
              GROUP BY  [ITEMNMBR]
            ) AS X ------  Calculate the Extended_Cost per Item [SEE30303]
                                        SUM([QTYRECVD] - [QTYSOLD]) IV_Quantity_Available ,
                                        SUM(( [QTYRECVD] - [QTYSOLD] )
                                            * [UNITCOST]) IV_EX_Cost
                              FROM      [IV10200]
                              GROUP BY  [ITEMNMBR]
                            ) AS Y ------  Calculate the Extended_Cost per Item [IV10200]
            ON X.[ITEMNMBR] = Y.[ITEMNMBR]
    WHERE   ABS(X.HITB_Cost - Y.IV_EX_Cost) > 1
            OR X.HITB_Quantity_Available <> Y.IV_Quantity_Available

    Your feedback is highly appreciated,

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