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Microsoft Dynamics SL (Archived)

Create screen with 3 levels vbtool dynamics sl

Posted on by Microsoft Employee

I tried to create a screen with and dynamics that handle 3 levels but it gives me error, if someone knows how I should code the application, I would appreciate it.

Dynamics SL 2015 and Visual Studio 2013

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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Create screen with 3 levels vbtool dynamics sl

    Add an index to the table and now I get this message


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Create screen with 3 levels vbtool dynamics sl
    I was a bit busy, taking up the issue of using the AutoNbrDefaultto populate the batnbr fields when i save the batch. Thinking about using the same function for refnbr but enough, just using that function and apparently leaving all the message well.

    In the Update event I have the following


    thanks for your help

  • Suggested answer
    Apps Mexico Profile Picture
    Apps Mexico 1,090 on at
    RE: Create screen with 3 levels vbtool dynamics sl

    The Level property of the Update1 control must be similar to this example Level1;N,Level2;N,Level3;D.

    Additionally to this, you have to use the AutoNbrDefault function, to populate the batnbr fields when you save the batch.

    ----------------------MANEJAR CAMPOS AUTONUMERICOS (BATNBR)-----------------------------

            serr1 = AutoNbrDefault(cBatNbr_1, "xWOSetup_AutoBatNbr", cBatNbr_2, cBatNbr_3)


    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.xWOSetup_AutoBatNbr


    SELECT LastBatNbr FROM xWOSetup


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Create screen with 3 levels vbtool dynamics sl


    So, it sounds like levels 0 and 1 are basic form levels and level 2 is an SAFGrid item.  This should be fine as long as the fields in level 1 live within a frame and all have their levels set to 1 and the third level (level 2) is an SAFGrid with its field set to level 2.

    You have not indicated what sort of error you are getting so we need that information to point you to where your issue likely is.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Create screen with 3 levels vbtool dynamics sl

    The application I want to do is similar to the Voucher and Adjustment Entry screen, a batch level, a document level and a level of detail.

    I have worked with 2 levels, with 3 I do not know how to perform the update event so that the batch number remains for the different documents that I add

  • Apps Mexico Profile Picture
    Apps Mexico 1,090 on at
    RE: Create screen with 3 levels vbtool dynamics sl

    Hi Ingrid,

    If you need some help, we need more detail about what you want to do. By example the code is diffrent if you need 3 Normal Levels or if you need 1 Normal level and 2 Detail Level. If you are getting an error you can post the error too.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Create screen with 3 levels vbtool dynamics sl

    I do not have a custom manual for this.  You should have the Software Development Kit reference manual as part of your SL documentation.  That manual is a reference manual, not a tutorial manual on how to build applications so you have to know what to look for when using it.  There are a few tutorial type manuals that have been created to go along with the SDK classes but those are pretty simplistic in nature such that they are not going to cover setting up more than 1 level.  Those of us who create SDK applications have basically learned by trial and error (sad, I know) and by looking at examples.  Before Microsoft took over Solomon (Dynamics SL) you could purchase source code listing of the various screens and those served as good examples of how to do something.

    So, I do not really have anything that is going to help you do this on your own.  The best that can be done, in your case, is to find someone who has done this and collaborate with them or pay someone to develop the screen and then you will have an example to refer to for future development.

    What I have offered, if you will reveal the error you are getting, is to tell you what the most likely cause of that error is.  Unfortunately, many of the errors do not reveal enough information to give a definitive cause so knowing the error may or may not be helpful.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Create screen with 3 levels vbtool dynamics sl

    If you have some manual how to create an application using 3 levels I would appreciate it very much

    It is the first time that I have developed such a screen and I do not know how to handle events at each level.
    I do not know what to add to the update event

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Create screen with 3 levels vbtool dynamics sl

    Ingrid, I have several screens developed using the SDK that have 3 levels and they function just fine.  In order to make these work, Dynamics SL is rather picky on the details of setting the screen up.  If you could provide some more details on the exact error you are getting then I might be able to suggest where your issue lies.  If that does not help, we could consider having you send me the project and I could take a look to see if I can determine the problem.

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