We have a situation where an invoice status is Open but there is no apply information in the Apply Zoom.
We've performed Check Links and Reconcile but nothing gets kicked out.
I am unable to void the Open Trx as we get the partially applied error I've identified there are stranded payment records in the PM20100 & PM10200. But if I delete those records, perform check links the Invoice is sent to history but still has no apply info
I think I've found the resolution but want to know if anyone can think of any reason this might be a bad idea. I've done it in the TEST environment and it seems fine
I ran the following script to update the CURTRXAM to = the amount of the invoice. Then when I ran checklinks the following records get kicked out which seems to be what I want.
I'm then able to go in and void the Open Transaction and void it so I can re-enter it and pay it.
Can anyone think of anything I'm overlooking that might come back to haunt me later down the road?
Thanks in advance for your help!