D365 App upgrade happened on 11/08/2018.
After the upgrade users are receiving error while opening reports :
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We ended up raising a support ticket to Microsoft and got it resolved. MS provided below comments. I am still not sure what was wrong from our side.
MS Comments are below :
The Fact table which is MR table that store all voucher transactions. We found there lots of ledger cover records there with Version end value, but no active date. Such records should not be there. It makes this table inflated (over 500GB) and consumed all MR DB space. So we did datamart reset to refresh.
As far as I know, System admin has very limited access to Production environment as it's managed by Microsoft.
We are also facing this issue but not sure what to do here?
Thank you Ludwig ! Would try this for sure
Please talk to your system admins. They might have to restart the services to make this work again.
Best regards
André Arnaud de Cal...
Super User 2025 Season 1
Martin Dráb
Most Valuable Professional