We are having a problem here regarding the form parameters of entity.
Here is the scenario:
We have an entity, Entity A
This entity is added into 2 unmanaged solutions, Solution A and Solution B
In Solution A, we added a form parameter Param A into the form of the said entity.
Solution A is exported as managed solution and deployed (or imported) to the target organization.
Entity A is successfully installed in the target organization as well as the added form parameter Param A.
We also verified that the form parameter is there when checked in Customization > Customizations > Customize the System.
Now, going back to the source organization.
In Solution B, we added another form parameter Param B into the said entity. This means that there now 2 form parameters in the form.
Solution B is exported as managed solution and deployed to the target organization.
Here comes the problem.
The second form parameter Param B is missing (not showing) in the form at the target organization. This has been checked also in "Customize the System". In addition, the first parameter Param A is now also missing.
We even checked the customizations.xml of both solutions and verified that the form parameters are successfully exported and added in the "formparameters" tag. This scenario is only happening for managed solutions.
Below is the version of CRM we're using:
MS CRM 2015
Build Number:
Hope that we could get a solution or a workaround for this problem.
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