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Email vendor remittance setup

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I have a client who is setting up their Business Central environment IN CANADA. We are trying to configure the ability to send vendor remittances via email. I have completed the basic email setup and the email scenarios. We are able to send a test email, so I believe the basic setup is there.

What are the requirements/restrictions for emailing the vendor remittance. They are not generating and EFT file to submit to the bank, they just want to email the remittance. Is this possible, or do they need to set things up as if they are going to send an EFT file?

Any assistance would be GREATLY appreicated!!


Kiron Ghosh

SmartHead Solutions inc.

  • Suggested answer
    Email vendor remittance setup
    I had the same error message: The report couldn’t be generated, because it was empty. Adjust your filters and try again.
    Check by Navigating to Report Selection - Purchase
    Change Usage to Vendor Remittance 
    Ensure Report ID 10083 is applied 
    Was then able to generate the Vendor Remittance to PDF from the Vendor Ledger Entries 
  • Kiron Ghosh Profile Picture
    Kiron Ghosh 10 on at
    RE: Email vendor remittance setup

    Certainly (and thank you)

    The report couldn’t be generated, because it was empty. Adjust your filters and try again.

    Internal session ID:


    Application Insights session ID:


    Client activity id:


    Time stamp on error:


    AL call stack:

    "Report Selections"(Table 77).DoSaveReportAsHTML line 9 - Base Application by Microsoft

    "Report Selections"(Table 77).SaveReportAsHTML line 10 - Base Application by Microsoft

    "Report Selections"(Table 77).GetEmailBodyForVend line 25 - Base Application by Microsoft

    "Report Selections"(Table 77).SendEmailToVendorDirectly line 16 - Base Application by Microsoft

    "Report Selections"(Table 77).SendEmailToVendor line 37 - Base Application by Microsoft

    "Document Sending Profile"(Table 60).SendToEmailVendor line 26 - Base Application by Microsoft

    "Document Sending Profile"(Table 60).TrySendToEMailGroupedMultipleSelection line 42 - Base Application by Microsoft

    "Document Sending Profile"(Table 60).SendVendor line 15 - Base Application by Microsoft

    "Document Sending Profile"(Table 60).SendVendorRecords line 23 - Base Application by Microsoft

    SendVendLedgerEntryRemitAdvice(PageExtension 4023).SendVendorRecords line 12 - Send remittance advice by email by Microsoft

    SendVendLedgerEntryRemitAdvice(PageExtension 4023)."SendRemittanceAdvice - OnAction"(Trigger) line 7 - Send remittance advice by email by Microsoft

  • Manish Prasad Profile Picture
    Manish Prasad 317 on at
    RE: Email vendor remittance setup

    What's the error message can you share it.

  • Suggested answer
    Inge M. Bruvik Profile Picture
    Inge M. Bruvik 997 Moderator on at
  • Kiron Ghosh Profile Picture
    Kiron Ghosh 10 on at
    RE: Email vendor remittance setup

    Thank you HOWEVER, the challenge I am faced is I get an error when trying to do exactly what you described.

  • Manish Prasad Profile Picture
    Manish Prasad 317 on at
    RE: Email vendor remittance setup

    Hello Kiron,

    Thanks for responding.

    Well as you asked about the requirement and restrictions for sending the remittance email from Vendor ledger entries. There is not any restrictions for thus feature. You can only send remittance for the payment entry once for vendors.

    Let's say you have posted a vendor payment entry for an invoice, so you can send it's remittance only once. If you are going to send it again system doesn't respond you.

    Just select the entry and click on Send Remittance Advice, and done.


    You can also select multiple payment entry at once and send the remittance advice. It takes mail ID from the Vendor card Email field normally.


    If my answer helped you, maybe it can help others. Please verify it, so other users know it worked or helped you.
    Thank you.

  • Kiron Ghosh Profile Picture
    Kiron Ghosh 10 on at
    RE: Email vendor remittance setup

    Since they are not set up for EFT, it would be from the vendor ledger entries.

    That said, if they want to send from the Payment Journal, what additional setup is required? Evven if the don't send the EFT file, they could use the functionality to send the remittances.


  • Manish Prasad Profile Picture
    Manish Prasad 317 on at
    RE: Email vendor remittance setup

    Hello Kiron,

    Does your client want to sent remittance from Payment Journal or from posted vendor ledger entries?

  • Suggested answer
    Valentin Castravet Profile Picture
    Valentin Castravet 26,347 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Email vendor remittance setup

    you have two options to email vendor remittance advices in the system out of the box:

    1. email in the payment journal during the payment run. This only works if your payment method is EFT, so to answer your question this would only work if they set things up as if they are sending an EFT file.

    2. email from the posted vendor ledger entries. However, in this case, you have to email each payment one by one as there is no option to email all vendors on the payment run. In this case your payment method does not have to be EFT.

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