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Microsoft Dynamics RMS (Archived)

Require customer selection on sales of serialized items

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Is there any way to require a customer account to be selected in order to sell a serialized item? I see there's an option to require customer selection on all sales but that's not a viable solution for us.

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  • Suggested answer
    Antonijo Todorovik Profile Picture
    Antonijo Todorovik 4,025 on at
    RE: Require customer selection on sales of serialized items

    Hi Ben.

    I have just mailed complete tested solution for this.

    Kind regards, A.

  • Antonijo Todorovik Profile Picture
    Antonijo Todorovik 4,025 on at
    RE: Require customer selection on sales of serialized items

    Ohh, then is a little bit different, but still you'll need a small add-on to control what type of Item are sold in the transaction and if a serialized item is detected, check if there is a Customer selected for the transaction. If yes, the add-on let RMS POS session continue, if not it pops-up a message for the cashier to select a customer and block the standard RMS POS session.

    The add-on should use TenderBegin hook for this.

    Kind regards, A.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Require customer account on sales of serialized items

    I'm not looking to force a specific tender type to be selected. I shouldn't have used the word "account". We don't want all serialized items to be charged to an account tender type. We'd like to force a customer to be selected on all sales that include serialized items so that we have a record of who bought those items.

    Thanks, Ben

  • Suggested answer
    Antonijo Todorovik Profile Picture
    Antonijo Todorovik 4,025 on at
    RE: Require customer account on sales of serialized items

    Hi Benv, I think there is no out-of-box configuration that forces the cashier to select specific tender type per type of Item sold, but this could be done with an add-on.

    You will have to make more definitions like what if the transaction includes serialized items and non-serialized items, everything goes on customer account or non-serialized items can be paid in other tender type? Or maybe create two transactions, one of them on-hold (the one with the non serialized items)? What if the customer returns the serialized item? Etc., etc.,.. Could be done, but you'll need to define more stuff... Talk to your partner for evaluation of the add-on.

    Kind regards, A.

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