I am able to log into SQL Server Managment Studio as the DYNSA user, however GP gives me the old "This Login failed..." message. What's going on here? How does you reset the DYNSA password anyway?
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I am able to log into SQL Server Managment Studio as the DYNSA user, however GP gives me the old "This Login failed..." message. What's going on here? How does you reset the DYNSA password anyway?
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Loging in as the 'sa' account did the trick.
Thanks Maniraja. I'll give it a shot.
Hi Allen,
In SQL Server management studio remove the password and confirm password for DYNSA user [Security-->Login-->Select Dynsa, right click and select Properties from the popup menu], and try login to GP with DYNSA you will get a message like "Blank password is not allowed, Do you want to change it now", click on Yes and enter new password and using this you will be able to login into GP.
other options: Login with 'sa' user and open 'User Setup' [Tools--> Setup --> System --> User] and select DYNSA and change the password.
Maniraja D
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