Dear All,
I'm experiencing a strange behavior with dynamics 365.
I have a custom model driven app with some Js / plugins.
I have been faced with the following issues
- in js event a resource (resx file) was not found using Xrm.utility.getresorouce...
- a basic code to refresh was not working (Xrm.Utility.refreshParentGrid(...) in js function but properly using Crm Javascript Fiddle
I have investigated to find a solution and what I have found is pretty strange.
Using Ctrl-f5 to refresh was not enough to refresh the browser cache. I had to Clear browser cache to solve the above issues.
Did someone already encountered this strange behavior ?
Did you fix like me using Clear browser cache?
It could be hassle for the end user to clear the cache each time we release an increment ?
The default browser used by my customer is chrome.
Thanks in advance for your help.