Hello, I am creating my first ever extension in BC (or anywhere for that matter).... this will be a PTE and it has gone well so far.
I've created Tables and Pages for Items which we use in our business.
I believe that conventional BC development approach would be to extend the item table to modify or add fields into what we need.
However, the items which we use in our business are so unique, that I am skeptical that the Items table would accommodate enough fields.
If it does, I am very doubtful that it would resemble anything functional for the user.
My question is this...
Rather then extend the Items Table to get the fields that we need, can I instead make it so that my new Table(s) have the proper attributes behave like Items?
(eg functions so that these items have features like base system items, such as inventory control, replenishment, ability to add them to BOMs, etc)
Thanks in advance for your help!