Firstly, I appreciate anyone taking the time to answer. I feel I have to give a short description of my situation so it might be better understood what angle I’m approaching 365 from: I have never developed for Dynamics 365 before. I have recently been given a task to delve into the Commerce and Operations component and need some clarity on concepts and some details that I’m not sure about. I am a .NET developer and we are attempting to expand the it’s (.NET’s) footprint for our project. I’ve tried to get some of the Retail SDK projects to execute to no avail. The one that I’m particularly interested in is ‘StoreHoursSample’ because I need to make a new Table for the Channel DB. I’m really just focused on the Data Access component of Commerce Runtime. If I can pinpoint where I am wrong and right in my assumptions then I can get a better idea of how to address resolving my problems. My goal is to create a table, see the results on the Cloud-side of the environment and generally get CDX flowing with extensions.
- Am I correct in assuming that I also need to create something similar to a ‘TestHost’ project for my own solution and that will be my Startup Project?
- There is a reference to Entity Framework of which I’m familiar with and the description of ‘StoreHours’ is ‘This sample shows how to create a new business entity (StoreHours) across both Commerce and the channel’. Should I think of this as a ‘Code First’ implementation? i.e.: I am creating objects in C# that will eventually become tables? I assume that isn’t true, but seeing the reference and reading the description had me thinking it is possible. Viewing the ‘StoreDayHours’ class you can see the similar way it’s written as an Entity is with EF. Or… as a first step do I run a Create Table query as outlined with this document: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/commerce/dev-itpro/channel-db-extensions . I’ve successfully created a table in ‘AxDb’ this way but do not see results in the Cloud Environment. Am I not be following a step properly in the RetailSDK document specific to this project such as running batch jobs?
- I was told that ‘AxDB’ was exclusively a F&O DB but I don’t believe it to be so. I get a little mixed up with some of the naming, but I realize that F&O is using X++ so there may have been an assumption not to mess with that DB from C&O. There are tables that I see in the Cloud-side Environment that directly correspond to ‘AxDB’. Does this mean that AxDB is the Headquarters DB and that the Channel DB inherits a filtered list of tables from AxDB?
- I was informed that the pulldown menu ‘Dynamics 365’ is used exclusively for F&O. If I’m correct concerning the AxDB as described above, in contrast I think it is used for C&O also. Coming at this from my perspective the ‘Synchronize Database’ and ‘Create Model’ menu options are a method of executing my code that I’ve written for CRT. Is this a step that I need to take or should I simply be running/executing the Console?
- I admittedly haven’t looked into this much yet, but I generally have the idea that you create/manipulate views through the Site Builder. If I create a table, I can display the data through that tool and create my own pages.
Thanks a lot for your time,