Hi there
we have a page in DBC Version: CH Business Central 21.2 (Platform 21.0.49939.49984 + Application 21.2.49946.49990)
on prem with windows server 2019 where you can filter a list of customers by different fields.
When we put a filter on the customerid field an then put in a customer number in this field and then leave the field with the tab key it takes around 5 - 7 sec. till the specific customer is
displayed as a row in the list on the page.
Here comes the strange thing:
When we use a customerid which we have previously copied from a text or excel file and copy that in the customerid field and leave the field immediately with the tab key it
takes a blink of an eye and the line is displayed.
I was wondering why there is that difference in the performance and what could be done to have that blink of an eye performance also when just typing in the customerid.
We had before severe performance issues with the customer data because apparently there is this partila records functionality Partial Records - Business Central | Microsoft Learn which according ms only
was working from Release 21.x on.
I'm looking forward to any hints or suggestions you might have.
Cheers quebonito