We have a number of integrations that use the eConnect that use the eConnect destinations to load data into GP 2018. Recently one for Purchase Order Entry stopped working and the logs show the errors:
6/24/2019 8:13:08 PM Source: IIntegrationEngine_Run, Status Code: 0 Beginning integration...
1: BAK0023313 Insert Failed 0. Seconds DOC 1 ERROR: XML style sheet missing: 'PurchaseOrderEntry'
2: BAK0023314 Insert Failed 0. Seconds DOC 2 ERROR: No stylesheet was loaded.
3: BAK0023315 Insert Failed 0. Seconds DOC 3 ERROR: No stylesheet was loaded.
I can’t find any information on this error. Anyone know what this means?
Is the 'XML style sheet' part of eConnect, Integration Manager, or GP Dynamics?