I wonder if anyone can help me with a small change. I wonder if this is a mapping issue but not too sure.
When we go to a contact entity and log a phone call, the 'Call From', Call To' and 'Regarding' values are auto populated (please see screenshot). I need the 'regarding' to be the account name rather than the contact the call is with (which is already in the 'Call To field anyway).
I can of course delete the contact name that is defaulted and change it to the customers name manually but ideally I want it to default to the customer name of the contact. I cant quite see the logic in why as default it has the contact listed twice in 'Call To and 'Regarding'
As a side note, the reason why I want to change this is because I have a Process that sends an email which basically says if a phone call is logged by our Customer Service Team and the Account has a value in 'Account Manager' then send the account manager an email. This email essentially has the content of the phone call note so the account manager is aware of what is happening with their account. If the person logging the phone call leaves 'Regards' as default with the contacts name, my process doesn't run as without the phone call having the clients name, it hasn't got the link back to the account to check the account manager field. If you manually change the 'regarding' to the account name then the email process works fine.
I did look to see if I can just further add the account name field onto the phone call form but you don't seem to be able to as its a different entity
Any advice appreciated, thanks
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