We discovered an issue when trying to attach the ROTH retirement benefit/payroll codes for dollar or percent to new and existing staff. After entering the start date and % or $ amount on the benefit side, we selected “save.” The question “would you like to roll this down to payroll?” pops up. We answered “yes,” but nothing further happened. Once you answer yes, the payroll deduction window should pop up to review and save. This is a problem among each user/work station. We engaged support and ruled out issues with setup. It appears there is a “bug” in the system that I will report to GP.
To resolve the current issue, the following workaround is being used:
The system default is for the percent or dollar to show in "pre-tax" instead of "after-tax." This is an issue when attaching a ROTH plan that is subject to tax requiring "after-tax." We are now leaving an amount in the pre-tax for percent or dollar. In addition, we enter the same percent or dollar in the after-tax )Great Plains doesn't recognize "0% or $0" if this is entered in pre-tax), Once the benefit is rolled down to payroll, go back to the benefit setup and delete the percent/amount in the pre-tax field.
Has anyone else experienced this issue? We are using GP Dynamics 2015, version 14.00.1010 (R2).
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