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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Create Project through x++

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Hello All,

I would like to create a project using x++ in 2012 R2.

First I've made a class that create a project contract using the following code,

str ContCr(str CustAcc)
    ProjInvoiceTable projInvoiceTable;
    CustTable custTable;
    CustAccount custAccount;
    ProjFundingSource projFundingSource;
    NumberSeq numSeq;

    info("Project contract is being created");

    custTable = CustTable::find(CustAcc);
    numSeq = NumberSeq::newGetNum(ProjParameters::numRefProjInvoiceProjId(),true,true);

    projInvoiceTable.ProjInvoiceProjId  = numSeq.num();
    projInvoiceTable.CurrencyId         = "EGP";
    projInvoiceTable.Description        =;

    info("projInvoiceTable.ProjInvoiceProjId: " + projInvoiceTable.ProjInvoiceProjId);
    projFundingSource.ContractId         = projInvoiceTable.ProjInvoiceProjId;

    projFundingSource.CustAccount        = CustAcc;
    projFundingSource.FundingSourceId    =;
    projFundingSource.FundingType        = ProjFundingType::Customer;



    projFundingRule::createDefaultFundingRule(projInvoiceTable.ProjInvoiceProjId, projInvoiceTable.RecId);

    return projInvoiceTable.ProjInvoiceProjId;

It works successfully, But as a return of this contract I'm trying to create the project itself using the following code,

void clicked()

    ProjInvoiceTable projInvoiceTable;
    ProjTableType projTableType;
    NumberSeq projNumberSeq;
    ProjId projIdLastSon, projectId;
    ProjTable projTable;
    ProjId projMask;
    ProjName _projName;
    Integer sonNum;
    ProjType _projType;
    ProjGroupId _projGroupId;
    ProjInvoiceProjId _projInvoiceProjId;
    ProjLinePropertyId _projInvoiceStatusId;
    str ContID;


    ContID = this.ContCr("0006-Custom");

    _projType = ProjType::TimeMaterial;
    _projGroupId = 'T&M';
    _projName = "Proj-Test";
    _projInvoiceProjId = ContID;

    projTable.ProjId = '19992';
    projectId = projTable.ProjId;

    projTable.Type = _projType;
    projTable.ProjGroupId = _projGroupId;
    projTable.Name = _projName;
    projTableType = projTable.type();


    projTable.ProjInvoiceProjId = _projInvoiceProjId;
    projInvoiceTable = ProjInvoiceTable::find(_projInvoiceProjId);
    projTable.CustAccount = projInvoiceTable.Name;
    //projTable.Format = _numberSequenceMask;
    projTable.CheckBudget = ProjGroup::find(_projGroupId).CheckBudget;

    if (_projInvoiceStatusId)
    ProjLinePropertySetup::updateLinePropertyProj(projTable.ProjId, _projInvoiceStatusId, TableGroupAll::Table, true);

    if (ProjTable::exist(projTable.ProjId))
    // Project already exists.
    throw error("@SYS56494");

    if (!projTableType.validateWrite())
    throw error ("Validations failed");


    if (projNumberSeq)

    if (projNumberSeq)

    info (strfmt('Project %1 successfully created ', projectId));


Project is successfully created but all customer information is not provided to the project.

any help?

*This post is locked for comments

  • Ahmed Awwad Profile Picture
    Ahmed Awwad 85 on at
    RE: Create Project through x++

    BTW I've got this code from

    But I only wants to create a project with no sub projects so I've tried to modify the code

  • Ahmed Awwad Profile Picture
    Ahmed Awwad 85 on at
    RE: Create Project through x++

    Actually no, The error is not related to the project id as it not exist and when I run this code it creates it but with no customer data

    But if I added the following line

    projTable.CustAccount = "0006-Custom";

    Project is not created and give me this error

    Cannot create a record in Locations (LogisticsLocation). Location ID: 000002339, Custom - Ahmed Awwad.

    The record already exists.

  • Mea_ Profile Picture
    Mea_ 60,278 on at
    RE: Create Project through x++

    That's because you cannot have 2 projects with the same id and you have it hardcoded

    projTable.ProjId = '19992';

    Either change it or delete existing project.

  • Ahmed Awwad Profile Picture
    Ahmed Awwad 85 on at
    RE: Create Project through x++

    You are totally right I was testing and forget to return code back.

    Original code was

    projTable.CustAccount = projInvoiceTable.Name

    But it returns nothing because projInvoiceTable doesn't have name.

    Anyway for testing purpose I've provided the customer account manually like

    projTable.CustAccount = "0006-Custom";

    but It gives me error says something like record already exist

    I will provide the full screenshot for the error once I be in this location tomorrow morning.

    But seems like this code was not for R2 :(

  • Suggested answer
    Mea_ Profile Picture
    Mea_ 60,278 on at
    RE: Create Project through x++

    Hi Ahmed Awwad,

    Are you sure that 


    returns you custTable ? Because you initiliaze projTable.CustAccount with projInvoiceTable.Description that does not make a lot of sense.

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