I want to make a curl request to my ms dynamics instance and get the data out of a custom object. I am able to get the data out of accounts and knowledge articles. But, I am having trouble getting data out of my custom object.
My custom entity name is "new_customobject" and I'm using the API endpoint "https://{organization_name}.crm8.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.0/new_customobject" to get the data. But, I am getting the error:
{"error":{"code":"0x8006088a","message":"Resource not found for the segment 'new_customobject'."}}
I used the same endpoint for accounts, but I got the data which is "https://{organization_name}.crm8.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.0/accounts?$select=name&$top=4".
This endpoint is working perfectly for accounts and knowledge articles. Do I have to change the API endpoint in the case of custom entities in order to retrieve data out of them?