Hi all,
I am trying to create a custom table Temporary Sales Price, its purpose is to autosave and write the data from this custom table Temporary Sales Price into the Sales price table of Business Central.
I have planned to use a CodeUnit for copying of field data from the custom Table to the standard Sales price table.
I have problems finding the correct code to do an autosave and to start a Job Queue automatically.
So far my CodeUnit Code is as below:
codeunit 51000 "Temp Sales Price"
TableNo = "Sales Price";
CpySalesPrice: Record "Sales Price";
trigger OnRun()
// trigger OnRun()
// var
// Temp: Record "Temp Sales Price";
// begin
// Temp.Init();
// Temp.Validate("Item No.", 'Placed in Job Queue');
// Temp.Insert(true);
// end;
procedure CopyRows()
FromTable: Record "Temp Sales Price";
ToTable: Record "Sales Price";
if FromTable.Find() then
ToTable."Item No." := FromTable."Item No.";
ToTable."Sales Code" := FromTable."Sales Code";
ToTable."Currency Code" := FromTable."Currency Code";
ToTable."Starting Date" := FromTable."Starting Date";
ToTable."Unit Price" := FromTable."Unit Price";
ToTable."Item No." := FromTable."Item No.";
ToTable."Price Includes VAT" := FromTable."Price Includes VAT";
ToTable."Item No." := FromTable."Item No.";
ToTable."Allow Invoice Disc." := FromTable."Allow Invoice Disc.";
ToTable."VAT Bus. Posting Gr. (Price)" := FromTable."VAT Bus. Posting Gr. (Price)";
ToTable."Sales Type" := FromTable."Sales Type";
ToTable."Minimum Quantity" := FromTable."Minimum Quantity";
ToTable."Ending Date" := FromTable."Ending Date";
ToTable."Coupled to CRM" := FromTable."Coupled to CRM";
ToTable."Unit of Measure Code" := FromTable."Unit of Measure Code";
ToTable."Variant Code" := FromTable."Variant Code";
ToTable."Allow Line Disc." := FromTable."Allow Line Disc.";
until FromTable.Next() = 0;
Wondering if there are similar solutions to automatic job queues for custom tables? my CopyRows Procedure could also use a shorter and more effective way of writing, as I have heard it might cause problems for later uses if data starts to get more complex and huge.