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Small and medium business | Business Central, N...
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quantity to handle in inventory pick up to location availability

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Is it possible to automate the quantity to handle to the location availability? 
The scenario is the following:
We have a warehouse transfer from planning worksheet and item no. 1000 is needed to be transfered in quantity of 10000 pcs. We have only 5000 in that location (when you ask inventory pick to autofill quantity to handle it autofills 10000 pcs). 
Sometimes we have 40 positions like that and we need to manually check availability for each before filling quantity to handle. That is kind of boring :)
Thanks in advance
  • elusiveferret Profile Picture
    elusiveferret 127 on at
    quantity to handle in inventory pick up to location availability
    That's all I have in a warehouse setup, no availability calculation option :(
  • Suggested answer
    DAnny3211 Profile Picture
    DAnny3211 9,274 Moderator on at
    quantity to handle in inventory pick up to location availability
    Yes, it is possible to automate the quantity to handle based on location availability in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. To achieve this automation, you can use the "Availability Calculation" feature and enable "Check Availability" for warehouse transfers. This will ensure that the quantity to handle is updated based on the available inventory in the specified location.
    Here's how you can set up the automation:
    Enable Availability Calculation:
    In Business Central, go to "Warehouse Setup" and open the warehouse related to the transfers. Make sure the "Availability Calculation" field is set to "Automatic" or "Manual" with Warning. "Automatic" means the availability is checked automatically, while "Manual with Warning" means the system will show a warning message if there is insufficient inventory but still allow processing.
    Enable Check Availability on Warehouse Transfer:
    Navigate to "Warehouse Transfer" and open the document layout in the "Customize" mode. In the "Request" tab, add the "Check Availability" field to the document layout. This will allow you to see and adjust the availability of items during the transfer.
    Set Quantity to Handle:
    Create a new warehouse transfer for item number 1000 and specify the "From Location" and "To Location." Enter the quantity you wish to transfer (e.g., 10,000 pcs) in the "Quantity to Handle" field.
    Check Availability:
    Once you have entered the quantity to handle, click on the "Check Availability" action on the warehouse transfer. The system will calculate the availability based on the item's inventory in the "From Location." If there is insufficient inventory available (e.g., only 5,000 pcs), the system will adjust the "Quantity to Handle" to the available quantity (5,000 pcs in this case) and display a warning if "Manual with Warning" was selected.
    Save and Process:
    Review the updated "Quantity to Handle" and adjust it if needed. Save the warehouse transfer, and the document is ready to be processed.
    By following these steps, you can automate the quantity to handle based on location availability and avoid the need to manually check availability for each transfer. This automation can save time and help ensure accurate stock transfers.

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