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Export Entire Telemetry to Excel for Specific time period

Posted on by 15,411


We have our BC Telemetry active and send data to Application Insight. But I could not find a method (like KQL code etc) that extract entire telemetry for specific time period. For example in Admin Center I can filter as below and see all Telemetry but I do not know how to take it to Excel. In Azure BC Telemetry I could not find the method to do the same action. 

The goal is to take out entire Telemetry for specific date and time for analysis and hopefully find an issue. 



  • MahGah Profile Picture
    MahGah 15,411 on at
    RE: Export Entire Telemetry to Excel for Specific time period

    Thank you so much. this worked great.

    We had all other Query but not the one that give me all raw data.

    Thank you so much.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Export Entire Telemetry to Excel for Specific time period

    you are welcome - then I would  use this one

    | where timestamp > datetime("2022-01-01T00:00:00.001Z") and timestamp < datetime("2022-05-01T23:59:59.999Z") // change the timestamp to your specific time stamp.
    | order by timestamp desc

    but I also recommend you this link, there are many sample KQL queries from Microsoft

  • MahGah Profile Picture
    MahGah 15,411 on at
    RE: Export Entire Telemetry to Excel for Specific time period

    Wolfgang Wolf

    Thank you so so much. We are using Power BI solution but in this case I needed all Telemetry data for specific time stamp. I have used your code and that provide lots of info but still missing some telemetry data. For example when I filter telemetry data in BC Admin Center I can see some info that when I used your code I could not see them.

    Is it anyway that I can tweak you code to get all telemetry data instead of some? I assume I need to edit "trace" or security level but I am not sure

    Thanks again

  • Verified answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Export Entire Telemetry to Excel for Specific time period

    One possible way would be to analyze the data with the Power Bi app from Microsoft

    once the data is in there, you can easily use it in Excel as well

    The advantage here, Microsoft has already created the PBI App with meaningful views. With Excel you can then dig in the data in details.

    Other solution would be in azure directly via a query, as a simple example, follow these steps:

    In the Azure portal, open your Application Insights resource.
    In the Monitoring menu, select Logs.
    On the New Query tab, type the following to get the recs

    union isfuzzy=true
    | where timestamp > datetime("2022-01-01T00:00:00.001Z") and timestamp < datetime("2022-05-01T23:59:59.999Z") // change the timestamp to current month!
    and itemType == "trace" and severityLevel > 1
    | order by timestamp desc

    and on the top there is in Azure

    Export to csv
    Export to Power Bi
    Export to Excel

    hope this helps

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