I have a requirement that not to show canceled lines in the PO confirmation report. currently it is printing all the lines from the PO. Can anyone help to write COC for PurchPurchaseOrderDP class to add this validation in order to include all lines except canceled. Thanks.
Remove cancelled PO lines from PO confirmation report
Hi D365 beginner,
The standard coding will insert all PO lines and the SSRS report is not aware of ranges you set in coding. What you would need to do here is either creating a full new data provider class or in an extension class try to delete several lines from thepurchPurchaseOrderTmp table.
Remove cancelled PO lines from PO confirmation report
I believe we need to extend the class PurchPurchaseOrderDPOrderLineQuery to avoid canceled lines. It would be great if someone can confirm this and shows how to achieve it.
Remove cancelled PO lines from PO confirmation report
You can use Chain of Command (CoC) to extend the PurchPurchaseOrderDP class and add the validation to exclude canceled lines from the PO confirmation report.
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