Can anyone tell me how to install Canadian Payroll? I was looking for a download but could not fine anything, when we installed payroll feature at the client it is for US.
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Can anyone tell me how to install Canadian Payroll? I was looking for a download but could not fine anything, when we installed payroll feature at the client it is for US.
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And there it is :)
Canadian Payroll is selected at the time of installing the code on the workstation - so if you do not select it - you don't see it.
However, if at some future time someone wants to have it installed, you have to start from the inital installation and then apply the LAST SP - you do not need to apply all SP's for the version -
Hope this helps.
Ok I see it now, I was always looking down by the other Payroll or Human Resources features, never saw Canadian Payroll up on top. Thank you. Do you know if this is a feature once installed has to be installed on every workstation or only the ones that will use it? I am hoping not all workstations need it, but don't want them to get a database mismatch message, thanks for your help.
When you do the installation you select Canadian Payroll from the menu.
When you have completed the installation, enter your Registration Keys, if you have US Keys, then you have to do a bit more work to get to the Canadian Key.
From the Microsoft Dynamics menu bar, select Tools >> Setup >> Payroll Canada then select CONTROL
When you enter your Canadian Payroll registration keys, click on SAVE - then exit GP.
When you return to GP you should have Canadian Payroll appearing under the HR & Payroll menu options.
Post results to confirm.
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