Hi Team,
I got to know there is no supported way to colour of text field value in Dynamics 365 .
Is there any unsupported way for it?
Hi Team,
I got to know there is no supported way to colour of text field value in Dynamics 365 .
Is there any unsupported way for it?
Could you explain where I have to save the code and how I ll call the code in power automate to achieve that.
I have the same request, did you get this working?
Hi all,
First way:
I have tried this code => parent.$("[tag:name]_i").css("color", "red");
but [tag:name] indicates the name of field, not display name. Example:Account name is display name, Name of field is 'name'.
code is working, but it was displayed no result.
I am tried another way:
code => window.parent.document.getElementById("textFieldLogicalName").style.color='red';
In this code,it displayed the error message as "Cannot read property 'style' of null".
both codes are writing in web resources Dynamics 365 and its Legacy rendering may get turned on.
Please suggest any solutions for change the label colors and section heading colors also.
Thank you,
Hi, Thanks for posting
I tried your code it's working, changing the color of "name" field data.
but I want to change the color of the "name" field data background color also.
so if you have any code for my requriment please send me the code to my mail id "prabha.ms47@gmail.com"
Hello, i tried the following and it is working
parent.$("[data-for-id='name_label']:first-child").css("color", "red"); parent.$("#name_i").css("color", "red");
but it is changing the text written inside the field only however i need to change also the background color of the field. Thanks.
I haven't checked that for picklists but you can try it.
Thanks Andrew . The code is working perfectly .
Does it also works for the option set value?
Have you tried what I posted?
Its still not working .
Hi Amiy,
Use the code below.
function ChangeBackground() { window.parent.document.getElementById("fieldname").style.color='red'; }
Hope this helps.
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