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Returning wrong lines from sql statement.

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So I have written the SQL statement in management studio to return what I need based on the proper billofladingid.

select * from WHSLOADLINE whsl
where whsb.BILLOFLADINGID = 'SCSK-000000101'


Then I try to recreate it in the code and its returning some other line that to me doesn't correspond at all. The billofladingid is correct for the end.  I'm confused. I have tried moving the where's around to no avail.

select whsloadline
                JOIN whsshipmenttable WHERE whsloadline.LOADID == whsshipmenttable.LOADID
                JOIN WHSbillOfLading2 WHERE WHSbillOfLading2.SHIPMENTID == whsshipmenttable.SHIPMENTID &&
                    WHSbillOfLading2.BILLOFLADINGID == ExtbillOfLading.BillOfLadingId;

            WHSBillOfLadingTmp.GRO_OrderNum = whsloadline.OrderNum;



  • Verified answer
    Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,848 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Returning wrong lines from sql statement.

    When you use count() in SQL, it'll create a new column on the fly. In X++, the schema is fixed; fields are defined by the table. When you use an aggregated function, the result is put into the field you're aggregating.

    For example, you'll use count(RecId) and then access the result by myTable.RecId.

    The return value of count() is a number, therefore you need to use it with a numeric field (which isn't the case of ContainerTypeCode).

  • KeithM Profile Picture
    KeithM 527 on at
    RE: Returning wrong lines from sql statement.

    So I am counting the containertypecodes and it's griping about it being a string.

    The aggregate function 'Count(ContainerTypeCode)' returns a numeric result, but field 'ContainerTypeCode' is of type 'str'.


  • KeithM Profile Picture
    KeithM 527 on at
    RE: Returning wrong lines from sql statement.

    That worked pretty well, thank you.   I am trying to do a while and inside the while select loop trying to sum and get a count on the containertypes. I've looked at examples and can't find one with multiple fields to select from. Is there something I am missing for this?  It's giving me red squiggly lines for 'Illegal table specification'.

     QueryRun                queryRun;
            queryRun = new QueryRun(this.parmQuery());
            ExtbillOfLading                     =   queryRun.get(tableNum(WHSBillOfLading));
            while (
                while SELECT forceLiterals whsLoadtable
                    JOIN whsshipmenttable 
                        WHERE whsshipmenttable.LOADID == whsLoadtable.LOADID &&
                            whsshipmenttable.BILLOFLADINGID == extBillOfLading.BillOfLadingId
                    SELECT sum(weight), count(CONTAINERTYPECODE) AS Qty
                        WHERE whscontainertable.ShipmentId == whsShipmentTable.ShipmentId
                        GROUP BY CONTAINERTYPECODE

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,848 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Returning wrong lines from sql statement.

    As I explained, F&O automatically adds filters for DataAreaId and Partition. You don't have them in your SQL code.

    I don't know what you mean by your last question.

  • KeithM Profile Picture
    KeithM 527 on at
    RE: Returning wrong lines from sql statement.

    In what way doesn't this match?  Can I see this query in the output window?

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,848 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Returning wrong lines from sql statement.

    I don't see the problem, but maybe I have a hint that might help you. You can look at the actual SQL query generated by your X code. Reviewing it, running it and adjusting it might give you a concrete idea about the problem.

    select forceLiterals generateOnly whsLoadLine
    	join whsShipmentTable
    		where whsShipmentTable.LoadId == whsLoadLine.LoadId
    		join whsBillOfLading2
    			where whsBillOfLading2.ShipmentId == whsShipmentTable.ShipmentId
    			   && whsBillOfLading2.BillOfLadingId == extBillOfLading.BillOfLadingId;

    It doesn't seem to be a problem in this case, but notice that your SQL doesn't match your X code, because X code filters by DataAreaId and Partition automatically. If you want to have the same SQL, you need to apply these filters by yourself.

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