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Lookup for worker

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Hello everyone,
I have a request from my users to add the ability to add multiple workers to one NCR (It's what we use for defects on our machines)
So let's say we have NCR 00001, users want to be able to add multiple workers to it who have worked on it
I have a table called InventNonConformanceTable that holds all the NCRs.
I have created a table called InventNonConformanceWorker and added 2 fields
- InventNonConformanceID
- InventTestResponsible (an EDT that extends HcmWorkerRecId)
I created relations in my table.  One to the InventNonConformanceTable and one to HCMWorker
When I choose a worker, the lookup from the EDT relation is working correctly, and I get a list of all the workers with their names, etc, but after I choose someone, I just see their worker ID.  I want to see their name.  I'm thinking this is something very simple I'm forgetting.
Can someone please help?
  • Andrew Huisman Profile Picture
    Andrew Huisman 284 on at
    Lookup for worker
    Thank you Martin and Girish, you were absolutely right!  I redid it with dragging the HCMWorkerRecId over and now it's working perfectly, thanks!
    I have another question about this form and form part, but I'll start a new post.
  • Verified answer
    GirishS Profile Picture
    GirishS 27,821 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    Lookup for worker
    Hi Andrew,
    I think you have created normal relation for HcmWorker table. It will be better to drag and drop the EDT into a table fields instead of creating fields manually. This will create foreign key relation automatically if there is any.
    Girish S.
  • Verified answer
    Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,868 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Lookup for worker
    When you drag HcmWorkerRecId to your table, you should get this dialog:
    If you click "Yes", a foreign key relation is added automatically. When you then drag the field from a data source to form design, a reference group should be created.
    I think you have Int64 control in your form instead of a reference group.

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