I am looking to map a lookup field to another lookup field, similar to how it is done on this blog http://himbap.com/blog/?p=2852
However, my Java skills are not up to the task of modifying the code for my situation. Thankfully I need only map one field.
My situation is as follows:
- I have an entity called "Procurement Responses" which contains a LookUp field on the Form called "new_SupplierName " from an Entity called "Suppliers"
- I have another entity called "Commissioned Services" and a LookUp field on that Form called "Procurement Responses" (i.e. the one described above)
- The entity called "Commissioned Services" also has a LookUp field on the Form called "new_SupplierName"
The action I am looking for is as follows
- When I select the Lookup field "Procurement Responses" on the "Commissioned Services", I want "new_SupplierName" that resides on the Procurement Responses" form to copy down into the same titled field "new_SupplierName" that lives on the entity called "Commissioned Services"
I cannot use a Workflow to solve the problem, as the "Commissioned Services" entity is a modification of opportunity_product which does not allow Workflows to be run on it, and the problem cannot be solved using the mapping 1 to N facility either.
Thanks in anticipation
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