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Microsoft Dynamics SL (Archived)

Could not find .IMP file

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I seem to keep running into issues with the small stuff before I can tackle the big stuff.

I created a one line file and saved it to DB\csvs\PVRec-C2.csv  

"pjproj_sall_C2","PAPRJ00","","select * from PJPROJ where project like @parm1 order by project","Projects","PJPROJ.project;Project #;0;0","PJPROJ.project_desc;Description;0;project_desc","PJPROJ.customer;Customer #;0;0","pjproj.cpnyid;Company;0;0"

I first went to import it under Administration\System Manager\Utilities\Possible Values Import

I then try to update the Database by going to Administration\System Manager\Utilities\Database Update

When I open the log it says:

(S:\Applications\DB\csvs\PVRec-C2.csv) Could not find file 'S:\Applications\DB\csvs\PVRec-C2.IMP'.

Am I supposed to generate the .IMP file or was the import process supposed to do that?

Also, is there anything wrong with my adding entries into PVRec.csv?  It seems like the instructions I found said to make a separate file.

*This post is locked for comments

  • Jon Frain Profile Picture
    Jon Frain 345 on at
    RE: Could not find .IMP file

    Thank you all very much.

  • Suggested answer
    Ram Peru Profile Picture
    Ram Peru 2,830 on at
    RE: Could not find .IMP file

    Please follow the below step to import your Pvrec.csv file into Dynamics SL.

    1. First Create Procedure in Your Application Database.

    IF EXISTS(select * from sysobjects where id = OBJECT_ID('pjproj_sall_C2'))

     DROP PROC pjproj_sall_C2


    create procedure PJPROJ_sall_C2 @parm1 varchar (16)  as

    select * from PJPROJ where project like @parm1 order by project

    2.Copy & paste the below text in notepad and save as '.csv' format

    "pjproj_sall_C2","PAPRJ00","","select * from PJPROJ where project like @parm1 order by project","Projects","PJPROJ.project;Project #;0;0","PJPROJ.project_desc;Description;0;project_desc","PJPROJ.customer;Customer #;0;0","pjproj.cpnyid;Company;0;0"

    3.Open the Possible values import screen under Administrator module and select the custom PvRec csv file into Dynamics SL.

    Hope this may help you.


    Perumalsamy R

  • Suggested answer
    Mark E Profile Picture
    Mark E 6,431 on at
    RE: Could not find .IMP file

    Best practice is to keep a separate .csv file for any new or modified pvrec entries you make.  This way, when you upgrade, your changes do not get overwritten with the standard pvrec.csv file, and you can import your changes as part of the post-upgrade customization process using the Possible Values Import screen.

    If you create a new csv entry, you also need to load the sp into the DB.  The F3 command calls the proc in the db, not from within the csv file.  The F3 command does get the columns display info from the csv file, though.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Could not find .IMP file

    All pvrec items have to have a corresponding stored procedure behind them that basically mimics the select statement portion of the pvrec.  So, if your pvrec adds tables or fields or sort criteria for a table item not in the original pvrec then you have to also modify the stored procedure that the original pvrec used.  the imp file process is not used to modify stored procedures or views.  As stated earlier by myself and by Perumalsamy, imp files are for adding/modifying data to certain SL tables.

    You will need to use a SQL query command to add or replace the underlying store procedure related to your pvrec.  Be aware that, if you are replacing a standard stored procedure then you will have to do that will every run of the SL database update because that will reset the store procedure logic back to the standard.

  • Jon Frain Profile Picture
    Jon Frain 345 on at
    RE: Could not find .IMP file

    The reason I was trying to run the DB update is because I get the following error even after updating possible value using the CSV:

    Could not find stored procedure 'pjproj_sall_C2'

    I get no errors when importing the .csvs and I assumed the stored procs were simply generated from the query in the row.

    It worked fine if I simply added a row to the PVrec.csv and ran update DB.  I guess I could manually add the stored_proc to the DB if I had to.

  • Ram Peru Profile Picture
    Ram Peru 2,830 on at
    RE: Could not find .IMP file

    Hello Jon Frain,

    If you are creating the new PV look up for Field in Dynamics SL,  You only need the custom PVRec file as RICK said earlier.

    There is no need to do the Database update for custom made PVRec. Database Update is used to import standard PVrecs & rptcontrol values & Message files into Dynamics SL system.

    Hope you may get clarified on your question


    Perumalsamy R

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Could not find .IMP file

    Imp files have to have a corresponding CSV file.  The imp file defines the fields in the csv file.  I am a bit confused on what you are trying to do.  If you are modifying a possible value criteria then all you need is the pvrec file and run it through the import pvrec process (like its seems you have done).  You do not need an imp file for a pvrec.  Imp files are typically used to import new screen id into the SL screen table so, unless you are adding a new screen id to SL or a new report format to an existing screen, I am not sure why you think you need an imp file.

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