I am trying to get the standard Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.WebPageViewer controladdin to work in a new page. Sample code has been copied from https://yzhums.com/16061/
page 50111 TestSite { Caption = 'Test Site'; PageType = Card; ApplicationArea = All; UsageCategory = Administration; layout { area(Content) { group(Input) { field(InputText; InputText) { ApplicationArea = All; MultiLine = true; trigger OnValidate() begin CurrPage.TestWebSite.SetContent(InputText); end; } } group(WebSite) { usercontrol(TestWebSite; "Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.WebPageViewer") { ApplicationArea = All; } } } } var InputText: Text[2500]; }
However, when I run the page nothing will appear in the controladdin. When I check the browser (Chrome and Edge) console I see....
I have confirmed that js IS allowed to run in my browser. Any other ideas why my browser cannot find the javascript which is associated with this controladdin?