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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Custom activities forms got stuck after Google Chrome update

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Posted on by 75

Hello everyone!

After Google Chrome Update 73.0.3683.86, when I try to open a custom activity from the social pane of an incident, the CRM freezes and does not open the form:


The previous version of Chrome works fine, but after the update I'm experiencing this error. If I refresh the page, the form opens correctly. With other browsers like Edge, Firefox and IE everything works fine.

I checked the javascript console of Chrome and shows following error:

   <Message>Uncaught TypeError&#58; Mscrm.TurboForm.Control.CustomScriptsManager.frameElement.contentWindow&#91;&#36;v_0.&#36;8G_1&#93; is not a function</Message>

Maybe someone is experiencing the same issue?

Any clue?

CRM Version: Dynamics 365 OnPremise 

Thanks in advance!

*This post is locked for comments

  • RE: Custom activities forms got stuck after Google Chrome update

    we have also experienced the same issue when navigating across custom entities records with that recent version of chrome.

    After detail analysis, this issue is occurring the entity Form which doesn’t have any web resources(script), just adding the Script (JS File) at the Form Libraries on an entity form, resolved the issue for me.

    Could you please try this now?

  • Suggested answer
    Kokulan Profile Picture
    Kokulan 18,052 on at
    RE: Custom activities forms got stuck after Google Chrome update

    Related recording issue is caused by latest update of Chrome V73 and this has been raised with Microsoft and I am sure Microsoft is working on a fix for this. Until then to get around this issue you will have to use IE or Edge or if you still want to use Chrome, doing a full page refresh and trying again works sometime and sometime if you click on the record pop-open icon at upper right corner, it opens the record in a separate tab but it works


  • Hugo G. Morillo Profile Picture
    Hugo G. Morillo 75 on at
    RE: Custom activities forms got stuck after Google Chrome update

    New update for Dynamics 365 OnPremise

    Repaired Functionality

    The following list details issues whose resolutions repair items in Dynamics that are not functioning.

    - Knowledge base articles could not be searched in dashboards.

    - Meeting attachments could not be opened after downloading them.

    - A box was misaligned in a dashboard.

    - Entity forms failed to load when using the Chrome browser.

    - Importing and exporting failed in the Web Client when using the Chrome browser.

  • Suggested answer
    Staniko Profile Picture
    Staniko 15 on at
    RE: Custom activities forms got stuck after Google Chrome update

    Hi All,
    I found a workaround. Just add any Javascript to the target form (maybe also to the originating form).

    You may even just add a library, no need to call a function.

    Background info:
    Some ScriptManager is disposed and initialized twice on navigating to another form, normally (dispose,init,dispose,init).
    Somehow, if there is no JS on the target form, it is: dispose,init,dispose. Bum. hehe :)

    Best regards,


  • Staniko Profile Picture
    Staniko 15 on at
    RE: Custom activities forms got stuck after Google Chrome update

    Hi All,

    samesame on our side in a different context: When navigating from a contact to a custom entity, CRM is showing a white loading screen and a similiar error in the background.
    CRM 1612 ( (DB local
    Chrome Version 73.0.3683.86

       <Message>Uncaught TypeError&#58; Mscrm.TurboForm.Control.CustomScriptsManager.frameElement.contentWindow&#91;&#36;v_0.&#36;8y_1&#93; is not a function</Message>
       <FunctionRaw>TypeError&#58; Mscrm.TurboForm.Control.CustomScriptsManager.frameElement.contentWindow&#91;&#36;v_0.&#36;8y_1&#93; is not a function</FunctionRaw>
       <BrowserUserAgent>Mozilla&#47;5.0 &#40;Windows NT 6.3&#59; Win64&#59; x64&#41; AppleWebKit&#47;537.36 &#40;KHTML, like Gecko&#41; Chrome&#47;73.0.3683.86 Safari&#47;537.36</BrowserUserAgent>

  • RE: Custom activities forms got stuck after Google Chrome update

    For me it works if im using incognite mode.,

  • R.Radder Profile Picture
    R.Radder on at
    RE: Custom activities forms got stuck after Google Chrome update

    Only thing I've found so far is using different internet browser or you can download an older version of Chrome.

  • RE: Custom activities forms got stuck after Google Chrome update


    We have found exactly the same problem today CRM365 on-premise 8.2.3.

    With refresh the record can be loaded. Any workarounds?

  • Dietmar Wehinger Profile Picture
    Dietmar Wehinger 65 on at
    RE: Custom activities forms got stuck after Google Chrome update

    Exactly the same problem!!! very annoying!

  • Suggested answer
    Adrian Begovich Profile Picture
    Adrian Begovich 1,019 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Custom activities forms got stuck after Google Chrome update

    Hi Hugo G. Morillo,

    I recommend using an earlier version of Google Chrome or another internet browser until the issues are resolved.

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