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Form Capture with services like Instapages?

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Does anyone know if it is possible to capture form data via services such as Instapages, Unbounce using form capture function in Dynamics 365?

I manage to track the traffic / visits on the page where the form is found but when I submit the form the form data does not come over to Dynamics 365.

As I understand there are services such as Zapier that can handle this type of connection. But just want to inquire with you in the community before I take a closer look at that type of connection. 

Is there anything basic to know about the current form capture function? And any challenges with using the feature.

BR, Carl

  • Suggested answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Form Capture with services like Instapages?

    Hi Carl,

    • When I have a form, which exists on my site, I can retrieve the information via Form Capture (JS) – No problem.

    Do you mean submission will be processed into Dynamics Marketing if you use a pure HTML page on your own web server?

    • the problem right now is when I use Instapages or other similar service.

    I never use service such as Instapages, but from your sescripition,

    it seems that you designed a form with tool which is provided by Instapages, and form submission could be saved to Instapages back-end.

    Would my guess be correct?

    If so, there was a similar issue in this previous thread.

    The user designed a marketing form with Wordpress plugin and form capture didn't work for submission.

    I suggested him to remove action attribute of form.

    You could check whether there is action attribute for your designed form, if had, try to remove to test again.



  • pihcalle Profile Picture
    pihcalle 40 on at
    RE: Form Capture with services like Instapages?

    Hi Clofly

    Thank you for the information and the feedback.

    The following works for me:

    • When I have a form, which exists on my site, I can retrieve the information via Form Capture (JS) – No problem.

    However, the problem right now is when I use Instapages or other similar service.

    Sure, when I enter the address via “New form Capture”, I get hits which fields that can be mapped. I have also whitelisted the site.

    When I go back to the site and fill in the information, I get an OK on my form, when I submit. I go back into Dynamics 365, can see that no contacts or leads have been created. If I go to Instapage's page I can see that the form has generated hits and created contacts. It is for this reason I wonder if a connector is needed. Because the form is visually on my website but is really just a (external) service.



  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Form Capture with services like Instapages?

    Hi Carl,

    1. Form capture is front-end feature, so connector services such as Zapier is not necessary.

    To make form capture works for your website, you just need to create a marketing website record, then copy and paste generated code on your own website.


    JavaScript code is used to wevsite-track,

    Form capture code is used to let Dynamics 365 could detect fields on your web page.

    You can read this section for detailed steps:

    To make your fields could be detected, the recommended way is to give your input fields with proper name attribute.

    E.g, First Name field name attribute could be "firstname", Email field name attribute could be "emailaddress1".(t)

    2. Due to captured form not requires us to authenticate website domain, so prefill feature not supports to captured form.

    You can check summary table in previous article to compare different type of marketing forms.

    3. If everything had configured well and the submitted data does not come over to D365,

    please check whether there is any form submission record in Insights data of Marketing website record at first.


    Then check whether corresponding contact or lead records have been actually created.

    Also, you can check Submissions tab and Insights data under Marketing form record.(where you add external website URL)


    The failed submissions shall appear in Submissions tab, here are reasons for why submission failed:

    4. If above steps not work, could you share your web page HTML code?

    I'll help you do troubleshot on my own website.



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