I have a pharmacy in the Caribbean, i'd like some help if possible.
When ordering from our suppliers we will make a PO sent it to out local supplier and usually get 1/2 of what we order and then a bunch of substitute "NEW" items... (paradise works a little different then what u guys might be used to) . Here is our process..
1) PO is generated and sent to supplier.
2) We receive a order back from the supplier , usually a maifest/sales recipt with what we should be received.
2a) The reciving clerk checks off the list to verify quantities on the manifest match whats physically delivered
3) He then hands that invoice/manifest over to another person along with "one" each of the items. He then created a new PO.. call it the receiving PO and adds every item that was given to him by the recieving clerk.. The old PO is basically discarded and all the new items are added into a PO that will eventually be commited.
I know this sounds different from what u might be used to.. WE only ever might get at best 40-50% of what we order and the rest are "new" substitute items. The problem is the guy entering in the receiving purchase orders ends up creating a whole bunch of new items and has to goto many different screens, its very time consuming.. the old software "microbiz/microcrap" at least was smart enogh to add items on the fly and realized if you were working a supplier " FRANK" all items created would have "FRANK" as the supplier.
We dont have much of any budget for this .. So i am hoping someone smarter then me might have a soloution.
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