This is a D365 Power Portal page URL, abc-dev.powerappsportals.com/.../index.
Based on Web Accessibility Compliant Guide (WCAG), all the government of Canada has the URL starting with departmentname.canada.ca/en and the project name/page name. Ex: https://departmentname.canada.ca/en/ABCControl/index/
How i can forward the D365 URL (abc-dev.powerappsportals.com/.../index) to Canada.ca URL( departmentname.canada.ca/en/ABCControl/index/) ?
I tried to proxy from Canada.ca URL to the D365 URL. However, it is required to assign a static IP address of the D365 URL during the configuration.
Based on this url https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/connectors/common/outbound-ip-addresses#power-platform, the Power Platform requests come from a range of IP addresses that are specific to the region in which our environment is located (ie. Canada).
Assigning multiple IP addresses won't be allowed because of the department security restriction.
Could you advise me on how we can proxy from department.canada.ca to the D365 portal URL without assigning a static IP address?
Thank you,