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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Update an old opportunity record based on criteria from another more recent opportunity record

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Hi all

I am in a situation where I need an "old" opportunty's status reasons to be changed automatically based on criteria from new opportunity record related to the same contact.


A new opportunity is created for a contact. The contact has a previous opportunity linked to him/her. The new opportunity goes through the sales process and at the end, just before/right when "closing as won", a criteria needs to be checked; if a specific field value on the "new" opportunity form matches a field value on the "old" opportunity form. If the field values match, the old opportunity form's status reason must to change to the value "Inactive".

I spent a lot of time an effort trying to figure this out but with no solution. I hope you guys can give me a hand!

Merry Christmas! 

Best regards


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  • kahansen Profile Picture
    kahansen on at
    RE: Update an old opportunity record based on criteria from another more recent opportunity record

    Hi Aileen

    Thanks for the reply!

    Do you know if any plugins that perform a similar action exists?

    And do you know if it is possible to perform the action without a plugin if the Opportunity is never "closed as won" or "closed as lost". 

  • Aileen Gusni Profile Picture
    Aileen Gusni 44,522 on at
    RE: Update an old opportunity record based on criteria from another more recent opportunity record

    Hi kasper,

    Definitely you need a plugin.

    Because you need to take action when the Opportunity is closing as won as example.

    Then you need to check the related Contact, to get the previous Opportunity.

    Which only can be done using plugin.

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