In our BC environments we are facing "The X.509 certificate usage time is invalid." issues.
We see the below errors when we look at the logs for the BC container
The Service Principal Name (Delegation) configuration has been set incorrectly. Server connect URL: "net.tcp://localhost:7046/BC/Service". SPN Identity: "DynamicsNAV/localhost:7046"
The X.509 certificate (CN=BCCloudLatest; 6D23034CD2CA6D6C832867228F1A67BEA0E883B2) usage time is invalid. The usage time '2/24/2023 9:05:44 AM' does not fall between NotBefore time '2/10/2022 1:37:09 PM' and NotAfter time '2/10/2023 1:57:09 PM'. The X.509
certificate CN=BCCloudLatest; 6D23034CD2CA6D6C832867228F1A67BEA0E883B2 chain building failed. The certificate that was used has a trust chain that cannot be verified. Replace the certificate or change the certificateValidationMode. A required certificate is
not within its validity period when verifying against the current system clock or the timestamp in the signed file.
Where do we get the new certificate from? How do we renew it for BC instance which is in a container?