Hi, I have Dynamics 365 accounts and contacts set up with SharePoint 2016. However, there is one contact folder missing in the sharepoint, how to create one and associate it with CRM?
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Hi, I have Dynamics 365 accounts and contacts set up with SharePoint 2016. However, there is one contact folder missing in the sharepoint, how to create one and associate it with CRM?
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Create the folder in Sharepoint in the Contact document library in the following format - Folder name : FirstNameSpaceLastName_ContcatRecordGUID
Using the query i posted in my above post, find the document location record in CRM and then for the Relative URL field set this value : FirstNameSpaceLastName_ContcatRecordGUID
Save the document location record and now navigate to Documents tab of the contact, its should all be linked up now
Hi, Kokulan
How can I manually do the linking? I am afraid I can not delete this record and recreate.
You can find the document location and then create folder and do the linking manually but i would suggest the following
find the document location for that contact record in CRM and delete it from CRM and then open the contact record and navigate to documents tab and this will create the folder in Sharepoint and document location in CRM and will do that linking automatically.
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