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Custom Tooltip for Columns in Subgrid

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I have an issue where we have a requirement from a customer that we need to keep the name/header/title of columns in a Subgrid to abbreviations of the actual fields, but they want to be able to see the actual name of the fields when either hovering the mouse over a cell in the columns or the head/title of the column. The subgrid is an Editable Grid that the customers constantly is working within, but they are unable to remember the abbreviations, but they still want abbreviations.

We solved a part of this issue by simply changing the name of the fields to abbreviations and in the forms that are in use, we have renamed them. This part "works", but when it comes to the Mouseover part on the columns it's a bit more tricky. 

I have tried the approach of this guide: where we removed the case, and just set the two values as standard and return the [field_value, "tooltip text"]

But I get an issue when I Switched the Icons for the current field value from the row data, where the value and the "tooltip" stacks on top of each other (as illustrated below). 

Since we are unable to find out how to change the tooltip on the header, and the custom icons and tooltips don't work, we are thinking about trying to make a CSS tooltip thing with an addEventListener on the columns, no clue if that would work, or how to solve this issue our client has. Any input on how to solve this issue, or point us in the right direction would be highly appreciated.

PS. Tooltip for the column title does not show the field description, as I saw someone mention in another forum.

  • Suggested answer
    Henry J. Profile Picture
    Henry J. 5,237 on at
    RE: Custom Tooltip for Columns in Subgrid

    Hi Stephan,

    Thank you for this very interesting use case.

    Could you please open an idea for it here? 
    I would be happy to upvote it.

    I don't see any screenshot, but if you believe the is product bug with Display custom icons alongside values in list views, please open a Support Request here:

    I unfortunately don't have workarounds to suggest here. Altering the grid behavior with CSS is unsupported and could break without notice.


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