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Microsoft Dynamics RMS (Archived)

Edit existing Sale Receipt

Posted on by 740

how can I change current sales receipt template?

want to take out Unit-Disc and Total-Disc Colum from the Invoice, is it possible to take the current design and change it?

Thanks in advance..


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  • Verified answer
    arishi Profile Picture
    arishi 740 on at
    RE: Edit existing Sale Receipt

    Thanks Scott, for reaching out.

    Thanks Jerry,

    I was able to customize the XML file as you said, needed little programming reference to understand  coding


  • Verified answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Edit existing Sale Receipt

    Hello Eric,

    To make the changes that you are requesting, you will need to edit the XML file template for your receipts.

    There are usually found in the receipt folder for your Store Operations Program File.

    if you would like assistance with this, I would recommend contacting your Microsoft Dynamics RMS partner or the Microsoft Message Center at 1-888-477-7877 to open a service request with us and we will be happy to take a look at it.

    Thank you,

    Scott Wardzinski

    Microsoft Dynamics RMS & POS Support Engineer

  • Verified answer
    Gerald Rothaus Profile Picture
    Gerald Rothaus 2,930 on at
    RE: Edit existing Sale Receipt

    When you save a preview receipt, you must hit ok to apply it. Then when you close the receipt panel it will ask you if you want to apply it to all receipt formats, and most likely you would say yes. Then you have to restart the POS or Store Manager for it to take effect.

    As far as the xml editing goes, there isn't exactly an easy way through it. The customization guide will help though. I think officially I am supposed to tell you to contact your RMS partner for that. I open the receipt in the SO Manager designer, and the open the receipt in notepad. I make changes, then reload it.

    Always backup as you go after each change. Better to delete a bunch of receipts you don't need than to lose the one you do!


  • arishi Profile Picture
    arishi 740 on at
    RE: Edit existing Sale Receipt

    correct me if I am wrong..

    you are suggesting to redesign the receipt?

    when I save the preview receipt it's not the same..

    is there a way to export the stored XML receipt for edit, and can I edit edit in receipt format properties or there is a simple editor for beginners..


  • Suggested answer
    Gerald Rothaus Profile Picture
    Gerald Rothaus 2,930 on at
    RE: Edit existing Sale Receipt

    OK, so the receipts are stored in the receipt table and then front-loaded into the POS qsrules.dll when the POS is turned on. You can go to the receipt editor and save the template there. You can have many receipts in your system for whatever, just give names and save them. The receipt format is then chosen in the receipt control panel for each printer.


  • arishi Profile Picture
    arishi 740 on at
    RE: Edit existing Sale Receipt

    Hi Gerald,

    Thanks for the reply..

    I did go to Receipt Properties under OS Manager first and does show me the current sales invoice in preview, in there is a option on the left to turn on or off Line Discount it doesn't  effect on the preview, the XML file in that folder is just generic not the current one, but it does show in preview

    I wonder if the final sales design is store in the SQL database, because the server was crashed and I rebuild using backup of RMS and SQL, and in that process the path to the receipt templates should have fresh files

    where should I look for the stored current receipt XML file?


  • Suggested answer
    Gerald Rothaus Profile Picture
    Gerald Rothaus 2,930 on at
    RE: Edit existing Sale Receipt

    The design is quite flexible. Go to your Microsoft Retail Management System\Store Operations\ReceiptTemplates folder, your receipts are there. They are xml files and can be modified.

    You can check how they look by opening the file in the SO Manager in receipt templates.

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