I am trying to write a trigger for when the 'Customer ID' field on SOP Entry changes. Most of the time, this field value is changed by looking up a 'Document No.'. I also added a focus trigger to the 'Document No.' field, but that too is not working. Is it possible that these are not firing because the field never has focus, it is being set by a lookup (which I'm sure runs some procedure)?. My focus trigger for 'Customer ID' is this:
l_result = Trigger_RegisterFocus(anonymous('Customer Number' of window 'SOP_Entry' of form 'SOP_Entry'), TRIGGER_FOCUS_CHANGE, TRIGGER_AFTER_ORIGINAL, script SOP_CustChanged); if l_result <> SY_NOERR then warning "Failed to register SOP_CustChanged (Customer Number). Error #:" + str(l_result); end if;
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