I have been developing integrations/Customizations for Microsoft Dynamics GP since 5 yrs and i appreciate if someone who can find a solution/WorkAround for my current issue.
It's a project where am integrating Sales Orders, Sales Returns, Cash Receipt... from a handheld device using eConnect functions. In addition i have a customization done on Dexterity called (MS_Holds) which i need to include it in my Integration in order to put the HOLDs automatically on my integrated Sales Order for a certain criteria/Conditions given from my client (Exceed the Credit Limit, bla bla...).
Using DAG.exe i created a DLL for this dexterity customization and add it as a reference in my code. Everything is working fine since the Visual Studio APPLICATION TYPE (Properties) is "Class Library" and Deployed in the AddIns subfolder in GP FOLDER.
The clients needs now the Integration project to be AUTOMATED and scheduled every 30 min. In this context i changed the Visual Studio Project Application Type (properties) to "Windows Form Application" (executable file .exe) and I created a New Task using "Windows TASK Scheduler" in order to call the INTEGRATION Project every 30 min and import the Sales Orders.
There is a Dexterity Procedure that am calling in my Code in order to apply the automatic hold for the integrated SALES ORDERS. (below is the code line calling the procedure of the holds)
Imports Microsoft.Dexterity.Applications.MsHold.MsHoldProcedures
MsHold.Procedures.RunHoldsIntegration.Invoke(L_cCustomer, L_NextDocumentNumber, Amount, DocDate)
While running the Executable file the below error will occurs:
"Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Dexterity.Bridge, version .... or one of its dependencies"
This error is clear and i have face it several times before and was solved by putting Dlls in the AddIns folder.
But now it's an executable file and the scenario is different. When I remove the above 2 lines of codes the application will run smoothly. i have tried several solutions (Copyind the Bridge Dlls and Dependends Dlls like the Shell Dll and Dynamics...) but the error still occurs.
SERIOUS Replies only Please
Thank you.
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