Hi all.
This is my first post, so I'm sorry if I'm not putting in the right place my question.
I'mm using dynamics API's in order to integrate data with external systems. I'm able to create accounts, bu I need to be able to set also some data for lookup values. However, I don't want to do the association via
My external systems knows iso currency codes, and that is the one that I want to use, to set account currency
"isocurrencycode": "CAD",
"accountnumber": "AcctCodeDemo",
"name": "Account name - test",
"new_masterclientid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005",
"parentaccountid@odata.bind": "/accounts(9081263d-96ea-e911-a812-000d3a797c95)",
"msdyn_externalaccountid": "100000001 - development machine (100000000)",
-- works with this
--does not work with this
"transactioncurrencyid":{ "isocurrencycode": "CAD" },
"alssc_account_alssc_angleclientoffice_Account": [{
"alssc_accountcode": "Office 1 code",
"alssc_name": "Office 1 name ## "
"alssc_accountcode": "Office 2 code",
"alssc_name": "Office 2 name ##"
"contact_customer_accounts": [
{"firstname": "Cust one","lastname": "las name one"},
{"firstname": "Cust two","lastname": "last name 2"}
How can I do that ?
Thanks in advance for any help.