With the Business central update to 22.3.58346.58475, all our Power Automate flows using the Business Central connector gives the error:
Request to XRM API failed with error: 'Message: Flow client error returned with status code /BadRequest/ and details /{/error/:{/code/:/InvalidOpenApiFlow/,/message/:/Η αποθήκευση ροής απέτυχε με κωδικό ///DynamicOperationRequestClientFailure/// και μήνυμα ///The dynamic operation request to API 'dynamicssmbsaas' operation 'GetTableV3' failed with status code 'NotFound'. This may indicate invalid input parameters. Error response: {//r/ ///error///: {//r/ ///code///: 404,//r/ ///source///: ///flow-apim-europe-002-northeurope-01.azure-apim.net///,//r/ ///clientRequestId///: ///82d59f20-8b93-4eb8-ba85-c2a9794765f3///,//r/ ///message///: ///The response is not in a JSON format.///,//r/ ///innerError///: ///The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable./////r/ }//r/}///./}}/. Code: 0x80060467 InnerError: '.
Anyone else with the same issue or ways to resolve it?